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How to ride Trains in Tokyo

These are some tips how to ride trains in Tokyo.

There are many railways in Tokyo. So you have to select better trains by where you want to go. Refer “Many Railways in Tokyo”


JR East Travel Service Center at Tokyo Station

There is a travel service center for foreign visitors at Tokyo Station by JR East. It is outside of ticket gates at Marunouchi North Exit. The travel center is separated to three entrances. Tourists information, baggage services and currency exchange are available. It is open from 7:30 to 20:30.


Suica and PASMO are convenient cards to move in Tokyo

What are Suica and PASMO?


Suica and PASMO are convenient cards to move in Tokyo. They are prepaid and rechargeable electric money cards. Suica is for JR East. And PASMO is for private railways and buses in Tokyo area. But you can use Suica at private railways and buses. PASMO is also accepted at JR East. You do not need to have both cards. You can use these cards without any concern for which card you have. They also will be used at their affiliated stores and some vending machines.


Many Railways in Tokyo

There are many railways and railway companies in Tokyo. They are just like a large net which covers all central Tokyo. And Japanese trains are almost on time. They run independently by different railway companies. But several railway lines run through mutually into different railways. When you move to somewhere in Tokyo, you may be able to choose some ways by fare, time and convenience.
